Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fightinnggg ;)

Why do people fight?  Most people fight to protect themselves or to protect family members.  Fighting occurs everywhere but in the Rochester area they fight over unnecessary stuff.  In Rochester people risk their lives every day by fighting other people.  Now a days if someone loses a fight they want to just keep going back and forth and sometime lead to shooting, stabbing, or killings.  This problem affects us because it makes the Rochester teens look bad because every time we have a big event they are always fighting getting things shut down and ruin it for everybody else.  Most teens in Rochester fight one another because they are in a gang or fighting over he say she say.  In the book “Payback” by Paul Langan Tyray got into a fight twice. He got jumped by a group of boys and the other time he got dropped in the lunchroom by a boy named Darrell Mercer.  My advice for someone who is fighting is to be careful not to get hurt really bad and not to fight just to be fighting.     

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