Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fightinnggg ;)

Why do people fight?  Most people fight to protect themselves or to protect family members.  Fighting occurs everywhere but in the Rochester area they fight over unnecessary stuff.  In Rochester people risk their lives every day by fighting other people.  Now a days if someone loses a fight they want to just keep going back and forth and sometime lead to shooting, stabbing, or killings.  This problem affects us because it makes the Rochester teens look bad because every time we have a big event they are always fighting getting things shut down and ruin it for everybody else.  Most teens in Rochester fight one another because they are in a gang or fighting over he say she say.  In the book “Payback” by Paul Langan Tyray got into a fight twice. He got jumped by a group of boys and the other time he got dropped in the lunchroom by a boy named Darrell Mercer.  My advice for someone who is fighting is to be careful not to get hurt really bad and not to fight just to be fighting.     

Monday, March 14, 2011

Stealingg :)

A problem that occurs in the youth today is stealing.  Stealing happens all around the world from younger people to older adults.  Things are stole from people like money, sneakers, prize items, and etc.  In the Rochester area stealing is a problem because people steal every day and get away with it.  People steal from stores, banks, houses, and etc. to get money.  When people steal stuff they usually go to a pawn shop to pawn it for money or sell it to someone for a cheaper price.  In the book “PayBack” by Paul Langan Tyray stole his moms cheat money to give Bones the money for the gun.  Also in the book some boys set Tyray up and got his 50$ stole from him.  My advice for someone who is getting something stole from them is to tell the police or some type of authority and they will be prosecuted. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

-Poverty :[

Poverty is a common problem that occurs in the youth and community.  Poverty is having little or no money and few or no material possessions.  All around the world family’s deal with poverty because they’re family are less fortunate.  In the Rochester area families have a lot of kids and lots of nieces and nephews so they need to have a decent job and a decent house for your family.  Most families with low income and a lot of children in the U.S. they are eligible for food stamps.  Food stamps is money you get every month on a certain day to buy food for your family.  People that don’t have jobs can be eligible for unemployment and they get a certain amount of money every month.  In the book “PayBack by Paul Langan Tyray’s parents live in a very poor area.  Tyray’s mother and father was less fortunate & Tyrays father had to work two jobs to provide for his family.  My advice to someone who live somewhere where they have a lot of poverty is to go out and get a job or two and if you don’t have a job try to apply for unemployment.     

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

BuLLyInG :)

Bullying occurs mostly everywhere around the world.  People are bullied every day and forced to do something that they don’t want to do.  They are bullied for their belongings, items, and clothing.  In the Rochester area bullying is one of the top things that occur in the school area.  Bigger people have the upper hand on people that are smaller than them and can use their size to intimidate them.  In my book “Payback” by Paul Langan Tyray is big and stronger than all the other boys and bullies everybody for their belongings.   Tyray bullies people for their money and for their lunch money, IPods, and etc.  My advice for someone who is being bullied is to go tell someone about it and let them handle it.  Also I would tell them that there is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself and fighting them back or at least just letting them know that you’re not scared & that you’re not a punk.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

-Violenceeeee :)

An issue that effects teens in Rochester NY is violence.  Violence affects many teens in Rochester NY because they are in gangs and like to get revenge back on people.  Teens in Rochester most of them are in gangs and selling drugs, also there commiting crimes ending up in Monroe County Jail.  Like in the book "Payback" by Paul Langan a boy named Tyray was a bully and he bullied everybody in the school.  One day somebody named Darell Mercer stood up to Tyray and dropped Tyray in the fight and Tyray broke his arm.  Tyray is searching for a gun to buy to get back at Darell Mercer.  My advice for teens that are getting bullied is to tell someone  like the authorities or a youth counselor.